One Too Many revolves around Adesuwa and her family consistently encountering adverse situations involving uniformed men. Her son finds himself falsely implicated in the tragic death of his closest companion. Battling to reconcile with such fate, Adesuwa makes a firm decision to advocate for both her son and herself.
Filename: One.Too.Many.2022.520p.x265.[9jaRocks.Com].mkv
Filesize: 254.91 MB
Duration: 01:31:02
Title: One Too Many
Year: 2022
Type: Movie
Country: Nigeria
Language: English
Director: Kayode Kasum
Genre: Drama
Stars: Dakore Akande, Omowunmi Dada, Chimezie Imo, Jide Kosoko, Rachael Oniga, Joshua Richard, Tope Tedela, Paul Utomi
Subtitle: English